AI use cases we support

We support a variety of use cases!

LLM provider (e.g. OpenAI)

You're an LLM provider, like OpenAI or Anthropic. You charge your customers based on their token usage.

With Spryngtime, you can track all your token usage for each company and bill them at the end of month via Stripe or invoice!

B2B Company (e.g. Intercom Fin)

You have a B2B AI startup, like Intercom Fin. You charge your customers based on how many tokens they use, how many messages are sent, or even conversations.

With Spryngtime, you can track tokens/messages/conversations for each company and bill them easily!

Infrastructure company (e.g. Hugging Face)

You are an infrastructure company, like Hugging Face or Replicate. You charge customers based on their infrastructure usage (e.g. "$5 per hour for GPU").

As of now, we only support this use case on our Enterprise product due to the bespoke nature of this. Feel free to email for help!

B2C Company (e.g. ChatGPT Plus)

You are a B2C company, like MidJourney. You charge end consumers a monthly fee with some extra usage on top.

With Spryngtime, you can track usage for each customer and bill them easily!

Image generation Company (e.g. Stable Diffusion)

Coming soon. Feel free to email to see what we're up to.

Video Generation Company (e.g. Pika)

Coming soon. Feel free to email to see what we're up to.

Last updated